Thursday 7 April 2011

Preliminary Sequence

Pink Booklet

Today i have been filling out the media pink booklet. For this i had to complete the brainstorm sheet with ideas for our opening sequence & questions about product. I also completed the shooting scheduale & information about the soundtrack, camera work, action, iconography, titles & visual style. The next job will be scanning these onto our blog.

Final Opening Sequence

Sunday 3 April 2011

Summary of problems faced in group work

For our first opening sequence about a girl being murdered we came across several problems. The first being meeting times. It was difficult for the three of us to arrange a time to meet due to people working & having other loyalties. However, we found a date where we all had to give up time to film for the sequence but managed to get the filming done in one night.
Once we uploaded all the footage to final cut we noticed that the lighting was not good & it looked quite grainy. It was also too long. We was not happy with this so we decided to completely redo our coursework

Another problem we encountered was that a member of the group was very often off school due to sickness or other reasons. This made it difficult to discuss as a group, ideas for the new sequence. To overcome this, myself & Vidur took control & created a new sequence without Saskia as she was off school.

When Saskia returned to school. We had already filmed our sequence & started editing on Vidurs Mac. As she was off school during all the planning & filming she did not know how she could help & would sit idle whilst me & Vidur completed the work.

A major problem we encountered was that Vidurs Mac broke. This meant we could not complete editing or sound on his laptop & would need to find another way to finish it. As we were very behind we could not finish work on the school computers as we did not have time. To resolve this, we used my Mac (which had final cut) to do the editing. This was good as we spent a lot of time over the weekend completing the editing & sound so we were up to date & ready for the showcase.

Evidence of how Opening fits with research

After looking at different horror openings we knew that they all had specific conventions which we would stick to, to make our opening look realistic.
The openings were all very dark & dull, there were no bright/vivid colours used which made the setting look scary. We also made our sequence like that. The shots were all dark but had been lit by natural lighting (candles) which made the setting spooky. 
We also made sure that the mise-en-scene was good to create a scary atmosphere which is needed for a horror film to make the audience feel on edge. 
We also noticed that the music was suited well to the film to give suspense. We made sure that when we added music, it built up tension & also created suspense.
Overall, i think we managed to stick to these conventions to make our real look as real as possible.

Evidence of how Opening fits with research

Se7en Opening Credits

This was the most influential sequence that we looked at for research. Due to having little time to completely redo out opening sequence we decided to adopt this style of film but change it to make ours unique. We used short, snappy clips in our opening sequence but ours were not as random as Se7en's & had more of a story as someone was going to get killed. We liked how they're credits were flickery so we also made our credits flicker & jump in different ways like flipping then round.
We also didn't want a character to be introduced as we wanted our film to be quite mysterious, which is also like Se7en as they did not introduce a character either.